
If you like playing with LEGO® bricks, Science or Math then you are in good company here at Smarty Bricks. Because we love all of the above and we really enjoy sharing our passion in those fields with anybody that is interested.

Mr. SmartyBricks

Why Homework?

You may notice that after some of the posts, there are some homework problems. The reason that we like to post these problems is challenge the interested reader to really internalize the subject of the post. The homework is of course voluntary, no-one is going to grade your performance. This leads to a question of “why post them?” And the reason is that our opinion is that nothing is learned without doing. That is to say one can remember some facts from a lecture or reading, but to truly understand a subject and master it one needs to practice it. Could you imagine anybody reading a book on baseball and then claiming to have mastered it without ever setting foot on a baseball diamond? The same goes for science and mathematics. This is why we try to give some problems that will exercise the understanding that one may have in the subject after reading a post. The problems will range in difficulty, when possible we will try to post straight forward problems that directly link to the post. Sometimes too, we will attempt to make some difficult problems that may require some extra thought and intuition. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t solve these problems (or any of them for that matter). The important thing in our mind is to not leave the motivated reader without some possible practice problems if they want to test their understanding.

Inspiration Credit

Most of our ideas here are not original (but we do strive to make original content). And when we can remember the source of inspiration for a particular construction/post we will give credit to the appropriate muse. But sometimes we forget where an idea was sparked. We watch similar youtube channels and read similar blogs. Many times our ideas come as tangential thoughts from these posts, but only come to realization long after the original post was forgotten. If you feel like a muse without credit, please inform us and we will make every attempt to right that wrong.

Legal stuff

This is the part where we tell you that LEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Minifigure, and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO® Group of Companies. Copy-write 2019 The LEGO® Group. And, Smarty Bricks, the Smarty Bricks logo (when we decide on one) and all content not covered by The LEGO® Group’s copyright is, unless otherwise stated, copy-write 2018-2019 Smarty Bricks ltd. (Wait do I need to get an ltd? What is an ltd? It sounds official.)